Enjoy the beauty and color of our stunning fuchsia-pink Gerbera Bouquet, which is a great choice for anyone who loves Filipino flowers. Beautifully put together, this arrangement is sure to impress and make anyone happy.
Flowers: 10 Fuchsia Pink Gerberas
Wrapper: Elegant White
Ribbon: Striking Red with Maroon Knot
Filler Flowers: Delicate Misty Blue & Rosal
This bouquet is meant to amaze and please. It has bright hot pink gerberas and soft, elegant misty blue and rosal filler flowers. You can send this bouquet to show love and thanks or to make someone's day happier. It's a thoughtful and colorful gift that says a lot. This unique design was made just for Filipino flower lovers to make a long impact and show how you feel. Order now to give your loved ones a treat of color and style that's great for any event.