Our beautiful Carnations Bouquet will surprise your loved ones in Valenzuela City, Metro Manila, Philippines. Carnations are known for their timeless beauty, and carnations stand for love and respect. You can pick from beautiful bunches of flowers in a range of colors, such as basic red, soft pink, and pure white. For a birthday, a wedding, or to show you care, our simple but beautiful carnation flowers are the best gift. You can get flowers delivered for free anywhere in Valenzuela City and Metro Manila. Your thoughtful gift will come on time and in perfect shape. Check out our selection today and send someone special the joy of fresh flowers.


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Celebrate with elegance using our captivating bouquet. Bouquet Feature are here: 
  • Flowers: 10 Pink Carnations, known for their soft hue and graceful appearance
  • Wrapper: Premium quality Purple/Gold wrapper, ensuring a luxurious presentation
  • Ribbon: Red ribbon with elegantly scripted White KW initials, adding a personalized touch
  • Foliage: Fragrant Misty Blue, fresh Eucalyptus leaves, and Rosal blooms for a delightful sensory experience
This bouquet is perfect for showing how you feel or making any event more special. Its beautiful design and thoughtful details are sure to leave a lasting impact.

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