Get the Tiana light pink carnation bouquet for birthdays, weddings, or any other special event. Our beautiful bunch carnation collection has fresh, pretty carnations that show respect and grace. As an online flower shop, we offer easy flower delivery in San Juan, Metro Manila, so your friends and family will be happy when they get your flowers in the Philippines. For a surprise present that will make them smile, use our free same-day delivery service. We have beautiful pink carnation flower bouquets that will stand out whether you're looking for a wedding bouquet or a birthday gift. Our light pink flowers are a beautiful way to make someone's day today.


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Our beautiful, exquisite Carnation Bouquet will make any event more special. This carefully made arrangement has a lovely mix of flowers that make it a gift that is both beautiful and fragrant. This flower is always a classic choice for any event. It's a great way to show love and appreciation or to make someone's day better.
Bouquet Features:
  • Flowers: 10 Pink Carnations
  • Wrapper: Burlap PH, adding a rustic and elegant touch
  • Ribbon: Red, providing a vibrant contrast to the floral hues
  • Filler Flowers: Misty Blue, adding delicate accents to the arrangement
  • Greens: Eucalyptus Rosal, enhancing the bouquet with lush greenery
Enjoy the elegance and beauty of our Exquisite Carnation Bouquet, which is sure to make an impact on anyone who gets it.

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